


Sometimes parents look for a formula that can be given to their child when she has outgrown the infant formula. Many European brands produce toddler formulas. They are known as Growing Up milk, Follow-on formula or Toddler milk.

Remember, that it is very important to give your child the right nutrition for healthy growing. That is why many parents continue to feed their babies with formula. Moreover, something they are worried that their baby’s diet is insufficient. However, it should never replace a healthy diet or prevent the child from eating food.

Shortly, toddler formula is recommended for babies from nine months to three years old. Once your child is one year old, its digestive system can handle cow’s milk. However, if you decided to use toddler formula, consult with your doctor about choosing the right one for your babies’ specific needs. Besides, it is good to use toddler formulas with a healthy variety of solid foods, such as vegetables, fruits etc. It is essential to remember that babies do not need it as often as babies need to drink from bottles or breastfeed.

If you would like to make the transition from breastfeed or infant formula to a toddler formula, do it gradually over several weeks.

At our shop, you may find one of the best European toddler formulas. Let check which formula you can use for your child:

  • Loulouka Stage 3
  • Holle Cow’s Milk Stage 3 and Stage 4
  • Holle Goat’s Milk Stage 3
  • Holle A2 Stage 3
  • Hipp Combiotik German Stage 3
  • Hipp Combiotik Polish Stage 3
  • Hipp UK Stage 3
  • Hipp Dutch Stage 3
  • Nanny Care Stage 3

All these formulas are the most trusted formula brands in Europe. They are the best-valued products for your babies with clean, organic ingredients and an excellent nutrition source for a growing child. Change is always difficult, but be sure your baby will get the best with our toddler formulas.

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Maltodextrin is a derivative of starch and is formed via its hydrolysis. It is usually derived from corn, although it can also be made from rice and potato. Maltodextrin is a complex carbohydrate that is usually used in baby formula as a source of calories and as a thickener.

So parents, you are probably wonder if maltodextrin is safe, so let’s talk about it in more details.

It is very important to mention that maltodextrin can be used in baby formula in three ways:

  • As a main source of carbohydrate
  • As a supplemental source of carbohydrate
  • As a thickener

Babies need certain amount of carbohydrate in their diet to help them build healthy body and support brain and growth activity. Maltodextrin is not a sweet substance. It’s usually soft and tasteless. It balances the taste of lactose.

The large amount of maltodextrin is not recommended because baby cannot tolerate carbs from genetically modified sources (such maltodextrin is produced in United States).  

As a supplement source maltodextrin is considered safe. It consists of molecules with a small chain that are easy to digest. Such carbs help babies to be full longer. It also gives formula its smooth and creamy texture.

Maltodextrin used in European formulas is certified organic without GMO. In such formulas it is used in smaller quantities. That’s why European formulas are much preferred than formulas made in United States.

The main characteristic of maltodextrin is high solubility, easy and fast digestion and low sweetness. All this work perfect in infant formula. The FDA approves maltodextrin as a safe food additive. But if your baby has digestive problems or upset stomach, talk to pediatrician before using formula with maltodextrin.

Maltodexttrin is safe. It makes babies feel full longer and adds calories. But it can cause babies to feel bloated and fussy.

So, keep in mind that maltodextrin used in EU formulas (shop at do not contain chemicals from farming as it could be with American formulas.

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Coconut Oil is healthy and safe for babies. Some European brands of baby formula include it in its composition. It contains fatty acids that are very important nutrients for baby’s development.

Coconut Oil is very popular alternative to palm oil. It is made from either meat or coconut’s kernels and is a rich source of medium chain of triglycerides. That means that babies can easily digest such kind of fat. Coconut Oil can help with some skin problems in babies.

Let’s see how Coconut Oil works for babies!

  • Body massage with Coconut Oil

A good massage helps babies to sleep well. So using such oil is a good choice and is easily absorbed into the sensitive skin.

  • Coconut Oil for Cradle Crap

Most newborns develop cradle crap or dry scalp. So, massaging some coconut oil may help your baby. Leave the Oil for 20 minutes, then brush off the flakes using a soft baby brush, and wash the baby’s hair with lukewarm water.

  • Eczema with Coconut Oil

Eczema is a condition when the skin becomes very dry and itchy. If your doctor recommends using Coconut Oil, it can soothe dryness and give relief.

  • Coconut Oil for Diaper Rash

Most infants and toddlers suffer from Diaper rash, the most common inflammatory skin concern. You can apply Coconut Oil in the diaper region and see if it helps.

  • Coconut Oil for Baby Acne

All babies have sensitive skin. They can have red marks on the skin which may be itchy and swollen. You can also try Coconut Oil to get a relief from acne, because such oil has anti-inflammatory properties. But always consult your doctor before using it.

  • Coconut Oil as Body Lotion

Coconut Oil is rich for vitamins and minerals, and it works as natural moisturizer for baby’s skin.  

  • Baby Food with Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil can be used in cooking. First, this is a good source of fat and calories for your baby. Secondly, it is safe for consumption. Coconut Oil develop immune system and help in the overall growth. Such oil is hypoallergenic and contains acids that eases digestion and relieves constipation. But always consult your doctor before using it.

  • Coconut Oil for Dry and Chapped Lips

Babies’ sensitive skin can be effected by temperature. Chapped and dried lips can be painful for infants, especially it makes them difficult to breastfed. Coconut Oil may help to reduce the lips’ dryness.

We mentioned the main benefits of Coconut Oil for your baby. Rarely, such oil can be allergic. Please check with your doctor before using it.

As well at our shop you can find one of the best formula with Coconut Oil – Loulouka. Shop at

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   You have probably asked yourself a question: How can I easily introduce formula to my breastfed baby? Making such transition-feeding can be challenging. Our recommendation is to do it gradually, so you and your infant will be happy with it. In addition, always consult with your pediatrician about choosing baby’s formula. Moreover, be sure, whatever the decision will be, you are making the best choice for you and your little one.

Beginning such supplement cannot be so easy. Your baby need time to get used to this new form of feeding. A bottle is completely different from breast, so they should use to latex from skin. Sometimes you need to experiment with different formulas and nipples, so to vary flow level.

If your baby refuses to take bottle, maybe such tips will help you:

  • Ask your partner to try to feed a baby
  • Offer a bottle when your baby is the happiest and calm
  • Increase baby’s hunger and then give a bottle
  • Dribble some breastmilk on the nipple

Formulas for breastfed babies is a great option. It contains all the nutrients for your baby needs. No matter at what age you decided to introduce formula to your infant. They should be in good spirits, not sleepy or angry. We would recommend to start with one bottle per day at that time when your little one is the happiest. Then you can increase the number of formula feeding.

Remember always burp your baby after feeding.

We also recommend to try breastfeeding for a short time. And when you see that she or he is calm and relaxed try switching to a bottle. This may not work with every baby, but this is a good chance.

Nowadays there are so many wonderful formulas that you can give your baby the best alternative to breastmilk.

Choosing the best formula for your baby is very responsible task. So be sure, that Organic European formulas such as Hipp, Holle, Loulouka and Nanny Care are top quality products from the most reliable manufactures. Shop at

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Combination feeding is the mix of breastfeeding and bottle feeding. The bottle could be full of breast milk or formula. Sometimes it is also called mixed feeding or partial breastfeeding. Such feeding allows you to feed your baby in a way that suits you and you little one’s needs.

There are many emotional and physical reasons why parents decide to combine breast with bottle feeding. For example:

  • Returning to work or being away (your baby need to take bottle while you are away)
  • Is difficult to breastfeed
  • Want to use a bottle for quicker breastfeeding
  • You are bottle feeding your baby and want to start breastfeeding

It doesn’t matter what is the reason, it is very important that you and your baby are happy. Talk to your health visitor – they can give you some advices on this.

It is good idea to start combination feeding when your baby is 6-8 months old, when breastfeeding is well established. But remember that you and your baby is unique and it can be different for everyone.

Basically, it is the best to have combination feeding using only the breast milk. That’s because your baby gets the best nutrition and you as a New Mom has some breaks between feedings.

If you want to start mixed feeding with breast milk and formula here are some main tips to do that:

  • You should reduce the number of feeds gradually
  • Yu can offer formula feeds before, after, during or instead of breastfeed
  • Start it few weeks before you are going back to work
  • Before introducing a formula to your baby – you should talk to a health visitor or nurse
  • It helps to drop breastfeeds when it is convenient for you
  • To begin try with one bottle feed per day
  • Do breast feeds and formula feeds at the same time each day
  • It is a good idea that your partner can do a bottle feeding, while you can have some rest

If you were unable to breastfeed and now you want to start combination feeding. It is possible, but it takes time. It is all about supply and demand.  But if you finally decided to start breastfeeding, follow such advices:

  • The more you breastfeed you baby, the more milk you make
  • The skin-to-skin contact encourage your body to make milk
  • Express your breastmilk regularly
  • Choose time when your baby is relaxed and not too hungry
  • Decrease the number of bottle feedings
  • Try to use lactation products or consult with lactation consultant

Remember that it is natural and normal to have combination feeding. You don’t need to feel sad or anger that you are using it. Every mother and her baby is completely different and there are many reasons why mixed feeing will be the best for you both. If you still worry about this – talk to health visitor or nurse.

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Most parents want to avoid sugar in baby food. They always check the ingredient list to keep away this “added sugar”. They may be surprised by such components like corn syrup or lactose. But don’t forget about the importance of carbohydrates for baby development.  All these ingredients are carbohydrates needed for your baby’s growth and energy source.

Remember that carbs in formula should be simple and easy to split because your baby can’t digest complex carbohydrates.

So why does baby formula need sugar component? Let’s talk about some common ingredients used to provide carbohydrates in infant formula.

Lactose is a type of sugar that is used in baby formula. It is easy to digest and it is the main carb source in breastmilk. All babies are able to digest lactose. Many manufactures use lactose in baby formula because it imitates the composition of breast milk. According to EU standards carbohydrate source should be lactose. Sucrose is another sugar in baby formulas. It is second name of table sugar. It is the sweetest sugar that you can find in baby formula. Many researches have pointed that sucrose in functionally much better than glucose. EU standards don’t forbid the use of sucrose in baby formula. They regulate the amount of it in infant formula. Remember that it is not the worst choice.

The next type of sugar is corn syrup or corn syrup solids. The European Commission prohibit the use of it. But you may find it in formulas that are made in US. It is made from genetically modified products. Corn syrup is cheap and widely used. It is an attractive choice for some manufactures.  Corn syrup has only glucose (starch sugar). Do not confuse it with fructose corn syrup.  Corn syrup is a fast acting carbohydrate that means that it increases the level of blood sugar.  

Corn maltodextrin is a little less sweet than corn syrup. Maltodextrin in European formulas is organic, so they are preferable to US formulas.

All babies need sugar. But remember that it is very important that the carbohydrate in baby formula is easy to digest. They are essential nutrients for healthy baby development.

Hipp, Holle, Loulouka and Nanny care are high quality baby formulas with the right amount of sugar. Shop at

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Palm Oil is the most widely used vegetable oil in the world in baby’s formula. It is full of fatty and palmitic acids like breastmilk fat. Fatty acids promote the development of baby’s cognitive and nervous system, organs and tissue. Fat is one of the most important component of breastmilk.

Palm Oil helps blood coagulate because it is rich for Vitamin A, Vitamin E, beta-carotene. It is safe for babies and is used as a very important ingredient.

Palm Oil is a fat which is much cheaper than other oils. The use of it may cause colic symptoms and constipation in babies. Fats in palm oil are not digested by babies well. It affects baby’s development because they do not get the most nutritional benefits.  Some researchers have shown that babies who drink formulas without palm oil have a softer stool in the first 5-6 months.

Babies, who were fed with free palm oil formula, has higher calcium absorption. It is because of the fat’s structure. Palm Oil has a different fat’s structure than fats in breastmilk. So it is absorbed in other way. The formula manufacturers increase the amount of calcium, so babies have enough calcium to build strong bones. 

You may find palm oil in a lot of formulas. Hipp has combination of palm oil, rapeseed oil and sunflower oil.

If you want to avoid palm oil, Loulouka and Nanny Care don’t contain it. Shop at

Always consult your pediatrician before choosing the formula for your baby. Whatever decision you make will be the best.

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Colic is, when a healthy baby cries a lot for no particular reason. Doctors follow the rule of three, diagnosing colic: crying for more than 3 times a day, at least three days a week for more than 3 weeks. Sometimes there is nothing you can do to ease a baby’s crying. They may cry more often in the evening.  

Colic can start a few weeks after birth. This is usually worth between 4 -6 weeks and they outgrow it by the time they are 3-4 months old. 

You’ve probably wondered… How do you find out that your baby suffers from colic? Symptoms of colic may include: 

  • Intense crying like expression of pain
  • Crying for no obvious reason (your baby is not hungry or don’t need to charge diaper)
  • Maximum fussiness
  • Crying at the same time each day
  • Curling up their legs during crying or clenched their fists, arched back, tense abdomen
  • Become red on face during crying

Your baby may swallow air while crying; this may be the reason of gas. 

The cause of colic is unknown. Many factors can be the result of it. Researches have studied many possible causes. The main are:

  • Digestive system is in the process of developing
  • Overfeeding or underfeeding
  • Overstimulation
  • Sensitive to formula or breastmilk
  • Childhood migraine
  • Food allergy

Doctors can diagnose the colic doing a physical exam, focusing on: weight, body temperature, breathing, skin tone and energy level.

Colic will get better by its own. You may do such things to calm your baby down:

  • Make sure that your baby isn’t hungry
  • Check with your doctor if food which you eat may cause colic (if you breastfeed your baby)
  • Give your baby a pacifier
  • Always change the body position or massage your baby
  • Swaddle your baby
  • Use a swing or vibration seat, go for a walk or ride in car
  • Give extra skin-to-skin contact
  • Check with your doctor if you should change feeding formula
  • Provide white noise (like a fan, hairdryer, washing machine)
  • Use anti-colic drops

Colic is stressful for parents. Nevertheless, remember that you have not caused colic and all will get better. Never shake or harm your child.

If you feed your baby with a formula, we can recommend you to try Hipp Combiotik, Hipp Comfort, Holle Goat or Loulouka.

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Some parents have experiences the infant reflux. It is very common and improves by its own. 

Infant reflux is, when a baby spits up during or after feeding. It is the result of undeveloped food canal. It happens with healthy babies several times a day. In addition, it is normal if your baby feels good and grows well. 

Reflux starts when you baby is 7 weeks old and get better at age of 12-14 months. It is called GER that is very similar to adult’s acid reflux. 

Sometimes it may cause GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease).

Symptoms of infant reflux are: 

  • Slow weight gain
  • Refuses food
  • Arching their back
  • Frequent spiting up and vomiting
  • Abdominal pain
  • Difficult breathing and crying
  • Excessive drooling
  • Gagging and trouble swallowing

Until your baby outgrows infant reflux, you should help your baby feel better. Here are some tips that may help you:

  • Do not forget to feed your baby frequently with small amounts of milk or formula.
  •  As well, check with your doctor if you should switch to other formula or maybe you should change the bottle. 
  • Sucking can soothe baby reflux - offer you little one pacifier. 
  • It is also recommended to feed infant upright and poop them for 20 min after feeding. 
  • Also, make sure, that your baby burps frequently. 

If you are looking for an ORGANIC anti-reflux formula, HIPP AR is the best and the only one choice. It is easy to digest and is ideal for developing digestive system.

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All of you have heard and know what starch is. Baby formulas may or may not contain it.

Starch is a carbohydrate, and we can say that it is the main source of energy for people.

 In European formulas starch is used from wheat, potato and corn. After extraction it becomes a white powder without taste and odor.  

Starch is not used in all formulas. Babies under 6 months cannot tolerate it. So you can find starch free formulas at our store.  

After birth, baby’s digestive system is in the process of developing. That’s why it’s difficult for infants to digest products with high quantity of starch. For example, cow’s milk – they start taking it only after one-year-old. Because it is difficult for babies to digest it. Starch is unique because it makes food thicker not sweeter. 

If you start giving your baby too much starch it may case the diarrhea and upset the balance in the stomach. 

Starch, used in European formulas, is made from biodynamic agriculture which means it is much better than organically grown agriculture. Biodynamic farms forbid the use of hybrids and pesticides, but they use minerals for soil restoration. 

Ask your baby’s pediatrician what formula and ingredients you should give your baby. 

The starch free formulas are at our store are: HIPP DUTCH, HIPP UK, HIPP (polish version), HIPP HA PRE, HIPP HA (stage 1 polish version), HIPP Anti-Reflux, HIPP PRE (german version), Holle Cow’s Milk (stage1, PRE), Holle Goat’s Milk (stage1), Loulouka, Nanny Care. You may find all these formulas at

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Many of you have probably wondered what the difference between Demeter and Bioland certification is. All these names are related to organic formula milk and where the milk comes from. There are different standards concerning organic farms, but remember that organic products mean that it is grown without chemicals.

Everybody should remember that it is very important to know how all products are growing especially products for children.

So what is Bioland and Demeter certification?

Demeter Certification is one of the largest certifications that is used in many countries. You should follow very strict rules to become Demeter certified. As well, you should update it every year. The main standards are:

  • No synthetic fertilizers
  • All cows are fed with herbs in feed
  • They pay very strict attention on timing of planting and crop rotation
  • They are taking care of animals welfare

Bioland certification is the largest association in Germany. The main standards are:

  • Taking care of animal welfare
  • Organic food production
  • Use of Nitrogen fertilizers and pesticides in very small amounts
  • No genetically modified seeds

Demeter certification was the first certification system that is slightly different from Bioland. However, they both represent the future of agriculture, working in balance with nature.

Here are the main difference between Bioland and Demeter certification:

  • Demeter forbids removing cow’s horns, because it affects the taste and quality of the milk.
  • Bioland allows the very small use of pesticides while Demeter prohibits the use of chemicals.

Farms are inspected every year to ensure that all standards are being met. The standards reflects the principle of farming as living organism.

If you are making a decision which formula to feed your baby, maybe this article will help you. Holle, Hipp and Loulouka are the best European formulas.  Visit  and make your choice.

Hopefully, this will help you to clarify some of the main differences between these two classifications.

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     Many of you probably have heard a lot about milk allergy or lactose intolerance. So today, it will be the topic of our blog, because it is as relevant as ever. Milk allergy is the most common food allergy in children.

First, let’s try to find out how to recognize milk allergy. The main symptoms of it are:

  • Skin reactions
  • Gas
  • Colic
  • Bloating
  • Stomach ache
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Eczema
  • Runny or stuff nose
  • Swelling of (mouth and throat)

Lactose intolerance is not an allergy. It occurs when baby cannot digest the natural- sugar in milk (lactose). Symptoms of lactose intolerance are:

  • Gas
  • Diarrhea
  • Bloated stomach
  • Spitting up
  • Colic

Now you are probably asking yourself a question how can you diagnose that your baby is having milk allergy or lactose intolerance.

If you experience that your baby is having one of these symptoms, it’s unlikely that she has a milk allergy. If you see more symptoms at the same time, it might be a milk allergy. Therefore, our advice is to contact your pediatrician to get medical consultation on how to manage it.

Treatment of milk allergy is to exclude all milk components for a certain period. After a week doctor will ask you to try again cow’s milk and see whether your baby has the same reaction to it.  Usually many babies outgrow allergy between 1 and 3 years old.

If your baby is taking formula, the best hypoallergenic option will be HIPP HA, Holle Goat or Nanny Care formulas, which you can find at our shop.

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